Negotiating FIinancial Agreements

We renegotiate the loan agreements with your lenders on your favourable terms according to your affordability as per the income and expenditure statement you provide. It consists of:

Reduced Monthly Payments

From Your Income

Salient features of negotiating agreements with your lenders to provide you with financial relief include:

  • Rationalisation of rate of Interest for short period
  • Freezing down the interest on the outstanding balance
  • Fixed monthly instalment as per the disposable amount
  • Reduced settlement in case of lump sums payment

Payments from Lump Sums

You Receive, for Example from an Inheritance or from Relatives

We also offer you a Full and Final settlement which is an informal binding arrangement with your creditors which allows you to repay a proportion of your debt in a one-off lump sum payment. Normally the lump sum is raised by re-mortgaging your property or introducing a lump sum from relatives. For individuals over retirement age, an equity release scheme may be possible although we would recommend you only consider Equity Release Schemes after taking advice from FCA regulated pension advisor