Company / Business Name:
Company No. / UTR No.:
Correspondence Email:
Registered Address:
Trading Address:
Landlord Name OR Name of Management Company who is dealing with service office:
Contact No. / Email Address
Director(s) Full Name:(in case of multiple directors, provide all of their names)
Business Bank Details:
Sort Code
Bank Name
Account Number
VAT No. (If Any)
Relevant Council (If known)
How many employees business have or had until March 2020
Annual Turnover (Estimated):
Nature of Business:
Business Rate No (If Known)
Authority to Act
I/We, above mentioned Director(s) of this company/ business hereby authorise and instruct my/our Business to appoint First Credit Advice Limited as financial representative on my/our behalf to deal in my/our financial matters in connection with my/our Business Grant reclaim with my/our local council. We further authorise appointed representative(s) to obtain any information and/or documentation from any Public Authority of the United Kingdom.
Director(s) Signature: